Friday, March 6, 2020

Developing Writing Skills, an Added Advantage for Introverts - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Developing Writing Skills, an Added Advantage for Introverts - Introvert Whisperer Developing Writing Skills, an Added Advantage for Introverts Being introvert or shy need not be a roadblock in your career. There are so many ambitious introverts who are extremely successful in their life and career. Few important examples are Bill Gates, Abraham Lincoln, JK Rowling, Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein, etc. Introverts have their own set of strength which when used correctly helps you climb the ladder of success. For any job, communication skill is an important asset. Writing is an important part of a communication skill. You must know here that many introverts are powerful writers. In a job starting from simple tweets to elaborate emails or reports needs writing skill. With flawless writing skill, there is definitely one extra door open to succeed in your career. Although you are a good writer, at times you may not be aware of the common writing errors that you commit. Simple examples are a confusion in homophones, the words that sound similar but can alter the meaning of a sentence. Few examples are quiet and quite, effect and affect, accept and except, your and you’re, etc. Also, there is a difference in UK English and USA English. The infographic explains the common writing errors that people make and how to correct them. This list will help you in honing your writing skills.

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